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    SCHUMA Maschinenbau GmbH

    Heinrich-Kahn-Str. 63


    +49 7333 9609-0

    The SCHUMA "TSR" is used everywhere where components need to be caught carefully after manufacture or processing (e.g. when fragile components are injection-moulded, or when components are polished. etc.). Furthermore, oil or coolant discharge from the processing machine is to a large extent prevented by the fabric structure of the TSR (fluids can penetrate the fabric). The TSR is made of wear-resistant polyacetal fabric and requires no maintenance. The frame is made of hollow aluminium sections up to a size of approx. 800 x 800 mm. If larger dimensions are required, the TSR is supplied in a lacquered steel frame. The outer dimensions are designed according to the customer's wishes, so that, for example, the frame can be secured in an injection-moulding machine. Alternatively, the frame can be supplied with telescopic legs and can be positioned in the machine's ejection chute. The discharge angle is determined by means of the threesided fixture on the frame. If the components are to be transferred at a higher point after they have dropped, we can install the TSR in a conveyor belt hopper, from which the components are discharged by means of studs.

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